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These Website Standard Terms and Conditions (these “Terms” or these “Website Standard Terms and Conditions”) contained herein on this webpage, shall govern your use of this website, including all pages within this website (collectively referred to herein below as this “Website”). These Terms apply i...
Explore ALPCO's Diverse Products for Gastroenterology Research
Explore ALPCO's Diverse Products for Gastroenterology Research  AGA Guidelines: Calprotectin and C-Reactive Protein Monitoring for the Management of Crohn’s Disease   Download our infograhpic prepared by ALPCO and gain a comprehensive overview of the American Gastroenterological Association ...
Summer Promo: 20% Off Insulin and C-Peptide Kits
 Summer Promo: 20% Off Insulin and C-Peptide KitsGet a 20% discount on insulin and c-peptide ELISA kits shipping from August 1 – September 30, 2024, for US academic and government institutions. Many kits have long expiration dates for future use. Call us at 800.592.5726 or order online using the c...
Role of IGF-1 in the Growth Hormone/IGF Axis
The Growth Hormone/IGF axis consists of IGF-1, IGF-2 and several high and low affinity IGF Binding Proteins (IGFBP). The whole system is tightly regulated by a feedback loop involving Growth Hormone (GH) secreted by the pituitary, and GH production and secretion controlled by Growth Hormone Releasin...
Investigating Bioactive Leptin in Obesity Research
The Biology of Leptin Leptin is a hormone composed of 167 amino acids and is primarily produced by adipocytes, therefore providing a signal to the energy state of organisms. By binding to the leptin receptor, the analyte influences activity within the JAK-STAT pathway and thereby regulates energy m...
The Changing Roles of Bone Remodeling Biomarkers
Introduction Bones are traditionally known for their support, protection and movement properties, as well as their role in the processes of mineral balance and blood cell production. Research supports that bones do more than they were originally recognized for. Previous research investigating osteo...
The Impact of DPP-4 on Active GLP-1 Preanalytical Variability
Active glucagon-like peptide-1 (active GLP-1) is an incretin hormone known for its pivotal role in the regulation of insulin and glucagon secretion1,2. However, research has demonstrated that the accurate quantification of active GLP-1 is difficult to achieve and has led to the widespread inability ...
Vasopressin: An Important Biomarker for Water Metabolism & Sleep Research
ALPCO is pleased to announce the addition of two new radioimmunoassays (RIA) to measure vasopressin. The Vasopressin RIA and the Vasopressin Direct RIA. Both assays were originally developed by BÜHLMANN Laboratories. After optimization for greater ease-of-use, they are now offered by NovoLytiX G...
Featured Biomarkers from A to Z
This handout briefly describes the role of several important hormones measured in research.
Iron Regulation and Homeostasis: Kits to Study Regulatory Proteins
Iron Homeostasis Iron is a trace element required for several critical cellular processes. Too little iron (anemia) or too much iron (iron overload) can be harmful. While there is no known mechanism for the controlled excretion of excess iron, a handful of regulatory proteins control the absorpti...
Improving Food Elimination Diets with IgG Testing
Food sensitivity or food intolerance involves a non-allergic response to a food or food additive. In a recent on-line survey conducted in the U.S., 24% of adults aged 18 to 79 reported a food intolerance. While a food allergy is typically mediated by IgE antibodies, adverse reactions to food observe...
Celebrating Diabetes Research
In honor of scientists and researchers in the field of diabetes, we've compiled a partial list of their 2023 published work. These publications aren't just studies; they're milestones on the path to a healthier future, made possible by their dedication.  What makes this list so ...